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Article Views I

LeetCode Problem 1148

Article Views I
Write a solution to find all the authors that viewed at least one of their own articles. Return the result table sorted by id in ascending order.

import pandas as pd

data = [[1, 3, 5, '2019-08-01'], [1, 3, 6, '2019-08-02'], [2, 7, 7, '2019-08-01'], [2, 7, 6, '2019-08-02'], [4, 7, 1, '2019-07-22'], [3, 4, 4, '2019-07-21'], [3, 4, 4, '2019-07-21']]
views = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=['article_id', 'author_id', 'viewer_id', 'view_date']).astype({'article_id':'Int64', 'author_id':'Int64', 'viewer_id':'Int64', 'view_date':'datetime64[ns]'})

def article_views(views: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame:
    validate = views[views["author_id"] == views["viewer_id"]]    
    validate = validate.rename(columns={"author_id":"id"})
    validate = validate.sort_values(by="id", ascending = True)
    validate = validate.drop_duplicates(subset=["id"])
    return validate[["id"]]

result = article_views(views) 

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